'1735 Clear' HDR Sky Update

Just wanted to share 4 renderings using the updated version of '1735 Clear Sky', which features a more accurate sun intensity. More details about this change to follow.

If you have previously bought this sky from www.pg-skies.net you should already have received an email with new download instructions.

360 Panorama

Another 360 this time using the work I did for Tom Phifer & Partners as a base.

Double click for full screen, or if on a smartphone/tablet, click here

The HDRi sky I am using here is an updated version of 1735 Clear Sky which I have edited to adjust the strength of the sun. This means you no longer need to employ the lowered gamma workflow that I have been using up till now.

I'll update 1735 in the store soon, anyone who bought it from www.pg-skies.net should get an update notification email and can re-download for free.

Lake Lugano House - Vray for Sketchup

You might recognise this house from a previous post on this blog, Lake Lugano House by Jame Pickford. This one is different in that it was all modelled, assembled and rendered within Skethcup using Vray for Sketchup. There is a really excellent tutorial on Ronen Bekerman dot com which I encourage you to go and read.

Interesting to see how he uses HDRi Skies (1957 Dusk Clear) in Vray for Sketchup and uses proxies to handle complex geometry and to see all of the other ways in which Vray for Sketchup has developed since I last used it several years ago.

Great work by David Santos of LAB Visualizacion


I'm going to change the HDR sky shop url from shop.peterguthrie.net to www.pg-skies.net tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can go ahead and update bookmarks/links now if you want. Thanks!